Why This Work Is Now Necessary
Coaching And Training Individuals, Educators And Organisations To Empower Young People To Live Lives They Love.
Many young people struggle to navigate the world we live in today. They need new skills to cope.
At TeenReconnect we enable teens and young adults to understand and celebrate who they uniquely are. They learn how to play to their natural talents and strengths to create well-being, learn to recognise their gaps, which is where stressors hide and know how to see others to build quality, lasting relationships that make all the difference to their physical and mental health.
We also bring the power of coaching into communities so it can be accessible to the many and not just the few. By training youth coaching, teaching professionals and parents in our methodology, we take them on a personal development journey that empowers them to upgrade their 'Good Adult' skills and understand themselves in ways they had not previously imagined. This learning can then be played forward as it paves the path to positively interact, understand and connect with young people, creating a healthier world for all.
TeenReconnect delivers a tried & tested programme backed by 40 years of science, quality coaching & positive psychology
The work you did was so insightful and transformational. It really helped me as a worried parent to understand who my child is and helped her with that too.
It supported my daughter to rebuild her self-belief and confidence again. The programme gave her a real sense of direction about what she could achieve in life, rather than feeling stressed and anxious about it all.
You really provided strategies to help us. You have been amazing, so helpful and full of brilliant wisdom. You have literally changed my daughter's life.
K. Deshmukh Hayes, Parent
Why This Work Is Now Necessary
Young people can struggle to connect the dots, feeling daily pressure and judgement from many directions. They fear failure and deep down it's often a big concern for them.
Their ability to process the daily data overload they get can leave many feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus.
*The average person gets more data in one day now than an average person did in their whole lifetime in the 1900s.
Young people don't get much time or space to discover who they are on their own anymore. Without direction and being pressured to make good choices, it leaves many feeling worried about their future and where they belong.
The line between reality and fiction is ever blurred in their evolving digital world, making it hard to distinguish between the two to make meaningful connections and build positive relationships.
They compare their life with others, making them feel they don’t measure up. They often lose hope, feeling they have no control over their future.
*A UK study found a 68% rise in self-harm rates in 13- to 16-year-old girls since 2011.
Many struggle with their sense of self- worth and confidence and don’t always show it.
*Suicide is the biggest killer of 10- to 34-year-olds right now. 3/4 are male.
The need to fit-in means they often hide their true selves, so they can feel ungrounded, uncertain, exhausted, and uncomfortable in their own skin.
Where Young People Need To Be...
Introducing The Connecting Magic Bridge Using The
'7Q Fast Track Formula'
It moves young people away from the Negative Cycle of surviving in life to a Positive Cycle of thriving in life.
This is the superpower young people need to learn to be able to focus and reduce stress and anxiety in their noisy world.
Young people get in a personalised way to understand what makes them tick, where they can struggle and where they can thrive. This journey is focused on six key areas that they said in research they wanted more support in:
About Me, Confidence, Careers, Stress, Learning & People.
A Q Pathfinder* is needed for this six-part module. More information on Q is below.
Our beliefs fuel our thoughts, which fuel our actions, which fuel the results we get. Teenagers recognise the hidden beliefs that hold them back from achieving
Ever started something and not finished it?
This is resistance. Teenagers learn to recognise it and be able to work through it so they can be supported to complete their goals.
Values are a key part of who we are. When teenagers can learn to understand their values, they can be a primary motivator and a reason for wanting to learn and achieve.
Get a scientifically supported six-part goal
structure road map so teenagers can
explore what they want so they can achieve their goals with step-by-step clarity.
Even more tools and techniques to improve
a teenager's life skills, well-being
and ability to perform.
The Q Pathfinder
As part of the TeenReconnect programme, young people create their unique personalised Q Pathfinder. They discover who they are and how to make smarter decisions for their future that support their well-being and performance.
Osman Jama, CEO
Young Futures CIC
Q is an amazing tool that every young person should access and has the potential to deliver transformational impact. Thank you Emer and Team Q for all your support in enabling us to deliver so much more.
The Q Pathfinder supports young people in areas they said they wanted help with...
Discover career fit
Understand natural talents and strengths
Make learning and subject choices easier
Build valued workplace soft skills
Improve confidence, mental fitness and well-being
Show how to achieve goals
Here Are Some Past Results
Science shows there is no sustained performance without well-being.
Understanding Teen Stress & Anxiety: A Parent's Guide To Building Love And Connection.
Step-By-Step Toolkit & Workbook To Be The Parent Your Teenager Needs To Succeed.
Author: Emer O'Donnell
Parents, carers, and other significant adults in a young person's life want them to be happy and healthy, have a good education and get a good job. They want them to have positive relationships, be responsible, make good decisions and become independent.
They also want to feel respected and be able to communicate with their child or student, but it can be a struggle with the daily challenges, stress and uncertainty of our modern world.
This book teaches new invaluable skills and offers practical solutions in abundance. Learned and applied over twenty years by Emer O'Donnell these will support meaningful connection, informed decision-making, and better teenage mental health along with their ability to succeed.
"This is a brilliant book and one that I feel is essential reading for parents, caregivers, teachers and health professionals. It is easy to read and packed with science, case studies and
practical exercises."
Emer provides great insight into the challenges today's teenagers face and provides useful practical tools that can be applied to everyday life. She uses her experience as a mother, psychologist and coach to produce a much-needed book that will empower parents, teachers and caregivers to improve their connection and understanding of teenager’s stress and anxiety.
Dr. Jacqueline Brickley, BSc.MB.ChB.MRCGP.
“Emer O’Donnell is someone you need to know. Her incredible book “Understanding Teen Stress and Anxiety” is a beacon of light and understanding."
Combining academically rigorous studies, personal experiences, and deep reflection, she delivers practical approaches that benefit our youth greatly.
Joseph Polanin, Award winning CEO, combat Veteran, and author
"As someone who has worked closely with teenagers over the last 10 years and having the experience of seeing my nephews grow up, I think this book is invaluable to parents today but also as a tool for self-awareness."
In all relationships we have in life. The difference I found with this and other theoretical books on these types of topics is its readability. The imagery and links to videos and other resources are also incredibly useful. The activities are a good chance to explore the theory being the read and the way each chapter followed the same structure and was never too text-heavy. I think this book is genius and should be made available to every parent in the country for free funded by the government!! Prevention is our biggest cure and with mental health services nowhere near coping, this would be a simple way of helping countless broken connections in families with those parents that need support and are willing to seek it out!
Andree Selner, Professional in Education & Youth Development
"Invaluable for parenting today’s teenagers."
Today's teens are up against unprecedented pressure from all angles, with little knowledge of how to fill their own tanks enough to ward off stress and anxiety. We, as parents are better prepared when we know more about what's going on for them, and concrete ways that we can help them. This is the handbook :)
Marian Fielding-Crawley, Parent
"Lots of families will relate to what
is in this book."
Emer O'Donnell's years of experience shone through in her words. I am a specialist family support foster carer on a project in Northern Ireland to prevent children from going into care. This isn’t just another parenting book. The top tips will be so useful to put into practice and also for me to help parents/carers understand teen stress and anxiety. Emer's lived experiences were helpful to read and made it more relatable and accessible. One of those books that I didn't want to put down. The flow and wisdom was incredible. Gets a strong recommendation from me.
Sue A, Professional Specialist Family Support
"We heal our world when we open doors. This book opens the door for all."
What a brilliant book. I have often thought if we can’t save the adults of today- we must save the children of tomorrow.
The author so beautifully explains how to save both. In the most compassionate of ways, she explains it from both sides. I hope this book reaches people far and wide as our society needs to hear this message. We know enough about pain, despair, adversity, what we need now is Hope, Love, compassion and the tools to do better. This book offers this and much more. Thank you!
Chelle B, Parent
"A must-read for educators and parents."
As an educator of teenagers, this “how to” book provides excellent guidance and strategies for enhancing relationships and much more. As the world becomes more connected than ever before, this book should be on the
radar for all parents.
Harry Cooper, Founding Principal, Educator
Emer’s insight, knowledge, skill and warmth are a truly powerful combination. She quickly won the trust of my daughter where others had failed and the effect was almost immediate. Helped by Emer to recognise and understand her own limiting beliefs, my daughter found the confidence to make some profound and positive changes in her life, which in turn has further boosted her self-esteem. Emer also understands the realities of parenting a troubled teen and offered me outstanding support. I was in complete despair but practical and easily applied strategies helped to shift my relationship with my daughter from the place of mutual mistrust where it was stuck. We are still on this journey, but I can’t thank Emer enough for showing us both that we have the power to create transformational change.
J. Bateman, Parent
The change in my niece over the last few weeks has been truly remarkable. She was a dreadfully unhappy and depressed young woman but since her coaching programme she has found a new vibrancy and genuine passion for life. It’s a beautiful thing to witness and I can’t thank Emer enough for the life changing path she has guided my niece towards. It’s just fantastic.
A. Sibley, Close Relative
After University I felt extremely overwhelmed and anxious about my future career and next steps. I felt a lack of self-belief and confidence. Just thinking about it all made me nervous and I had no idea where to start.
Emer instantly made me feel completely comfortable. When I started my self-discovery journey, she filled our sessions with optimism and excitement rather than my initial feelings of dread. After every call I felt a great sense of empowerment and self-assurance.
Emer has really allowed me to understand and nurture, both my strengths and weaknesses.
I now understand we all have both, and it is ok.
She offers great personal support, guidance and tutorship which is individualised based on a unique programme and your own personal path.
After just a few sessions, and interview preparations, I found myself my first proper job as a Social Media Marketing Manager. It is the perfect fit!
I highly recommend this positive, encouraging, supportive coaching experience.
L. Robinson, Student
The process opened my eyes to the science behind my son understanding his behaviours. As a parent, I thought I knew why he had certain behavioural preferences, but it took an expert to help him understand himself better and to achieve some really positive results. The insight provided has given a real advantage to my son and his future.
R. Simmons, Parents of J. Simmons
I found the insight given by Emer so helpful in identifying my behavioural preferences and those behaviours that I might want to strengthen to give me the very best chance in my future career. I felt like someone was really listening to who I am and how I might want to move forward. It was a very positive experience.
J. Simmons, Student
Emer's approach and understanding of how to deal with my daughter and our issues is really enlightening. It gave me the confidence to try another way. She helped me see that I was stuck in the past and had not been able to get beyond the worries and concerns that had ruined our relationship during most of her teenage years.
I know I am on a journey with my daughter, but I feel so much more equipped to help and support her now. Emer really listens and is extremely skilled at asking the right questions. She gives you help and provides hope for the future.
J. Maxwell, Parent
As a mother of two daughters, I know how difficult it can be for young people to understand themselves, feel confident in their skin, imagine a future that inspires them, and find a path towards it.
Emer understands this too, and has created a fantastic programme to help parents and their teenagers to navigate an often confusing world and lay strong foundations for a happy future. Thank you, Emer.
B. Burgess, Parent
At first I wasn’t sure about what my kids would gain from this, but it soon became clear that this is an essential programme for any parent with a teenager who is seeking to get the best from their education and who wishes to understand better how they learn.
It also really supported appreciating how to build positive relationships and knowing how to recognise and navigate those that are not. With Emer’s guidance, my kids have learned to understand themselves better and I now know how to support them through the most important years in their personal development.
Emer’s approach is professional, yet warm and she openly shares her extensive knowledge of the subject.
C. Hunn, Parent
I was unsure and anxious about what direction my life was going to go in after university. Emer helped provide with me the tools and information to discover my passions and how to get there. Her encouraging attitude really helped me believe I could achieve my goals which I had struggled with in the past.
With Q, Pathfinder, Emer was able to help me understand my strengths and weaknesses and how to use them. I now look at my life path in an encouraging way.
Emer helped me get my first job with amazing interview prep and motivational advice.
If it wasn’t for Emer I would have struggled to know myself and what job best aligned
with my passions.
T.Daniels, Student
I followed Emer's TeenReconnect masterclass this week and found it to be a thoroughly useful (and enjoyable) experience and a great use of time.
Having been a teenager a long time ago, I had lost sight of how it feels to experience this.
The training provided some great insights and helped me to better understand and empathise with my own children (14 and 11).
I loved hearing the discussions from previous attendees and I took away some great ideas of how I can connect better with my kids including some questions to ask them and allowing them to drive the agenda more.
We sometimes lose sight of what they're going through in our endeavours to do the right thing for them. The masterclass was a great reminder of this.
Thanks Emer, I'll let you know how I get on!
M. Coeshott , Parent
I joined Emer’s Parenting Master Class- Teen Reconnect recently and found it extremely valuable. Emer had a wealth of fantastic tips about connecting with our teenage children.
I especially enjoyed thinking about the sort of parent I can be and how I can support my children to grow into confident and resilient adults, ready to face life’s challenges.
I would thoroughly recommend Emer- she has an abundance of practical and relevant ideas, and of course the knowledge and expertise to back them up.
Alice Westbury , Parent
I have found this app extremely helpful and confident boosting.
It has changed me to a more confident girl. It has amazing strategies to help me stay on top of my school/homework and spread it out over a daily basis.
I would really recommend the Q app to help people gain confidence and help in your daily life. It helps with things such as: Confidence, Things about you, People,
Careers and Stress.
Niamh, Student
Thank you Emer for your kindness, support and patience.
You came into my life when I didn't even realise how much I needed you. I was an exhausted overworked professional, with two teenage boys struggling to keep my head above water. Too busy trying to help everyone else and forgetting about myself.
You have been a breath of fresh air. You have helped me eradicate my worst enemy, myself and my sheer lack of confidence and self-belief. I now feel empowered to deal with the challenges ahead. Our sessions have given me a wealth of tools and resources to rebuild my life, my resilience and my career.
You have taught me to reach out for guidance and support when I need it. You truly have been a priceless resource for me, both personally and professionally. I am truly blessed that our paths have crossed. You are most definitely exceptional and I know that you will be there for me if I need it.
Thank you Emer, for transforming my life.
S. Whitehead, Parent
Emer’s value approach is delivered in several ways:
One-to-one coaching with individuals, whether you are a parent or a young person.
Accreditation so professionals who work with young people, e.g., coaches, teachers, youth-focused organisations or conscious corporates, can use this approach and deliver it individually or at scale at a developmental time when young people are vulnerable and need support.
There is also the opportunity to develop the necessary 'Good Adult' skills that research shows, if available, reduce the level of depression, self-harm and suicide in young people.
The intention is to provide the opportunity to build expertise more widely and, for the longer term, that will serve more young people to thrive in the world.
Emer O' Donnell is the Founder of TeenReconnect and the 7Q TeenReconnect Programme. She is a creator of the Q Pathfinder, a personalised young person's app that supports them in understanding who they are, so they can navigate their path and live a life they love. She is also a mother of three.
She studied Psychology at University College Dublin and after twenty years of experience working internationally with global organisations, she retrained, completing her M.Sc. as a Behavioural Change Coach at Henley Business School in the U.K., qualifying in 2016.
She questioned why so much of what she had learned as a coach, which is transformational for well-being and performance, and applied in business and sports settings, wasn't something she had access to as a young person.
She felt it would have helped her make better quality decisions and choices in her earlier life if it had been available and explained in a way that she could have understood it. She wants to deliver this crucial missing gap in education to future generations of young people.
She highlights that it seems obvious that the world young people are now growing up in is so psychologically hard on them. They needed something more in their toolkit to help them successfully navigate it with confidence.
She knows they can be supported to thrive, find their purpose, and be who they are supposed to be, rather than who they may feel they need to show up as, because it is exhausting being someone you are not.
She has taken the time to learn and understand the science of what successful people do differently to achieve well-being and performance.
She highlights...
"Young people bring incredible value to the world, but they don't always feel that in themselves and we are losing too many of them to suicide. I feel strongly it doesn't have to be this way.
It is hard to know where you belong if you are not actively experiencing the world for real. When young people get the insight to understand, love and value who they uniquely are, and learn how to build positive communication and relationship skills, highly valued in the workplace too, then it is as if a magic light gets turned on and everything in their lives can change for the better".
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